Whilst researching for this blog I have realised that art in the workplace can be used in two ways. Actual artwork that is displayed and art therapy. Both hold value to employees. In this blog we look at the benefits of displaying art in the workplace.
Firstly, lets look at some very compelling reasons to display art at work and why you should be considering it more carefully when fitting out your office space. Consideration should not only be given to installing art in your reception area and meeting rooms, but also to the main working office areas too.
Displaying art can boost the productivity of your staff. Research from both businesses and universities have found that employees work harder when they are in enriched areas that feature art. Staff feel happier, less stressed and in addition to this it can stimulate inspiration and creativity too.

Art can also be used to underline your company values and enhance your company branding. The art you choose to display can almost be as important as your company logo. Remember artwork is used to convey messages and can bring out different emotions in different people. Make sure the art you choose evokes positivity and productivity. Think about what message you want to convey to your staff and clients alike. Remember to also consider art in the form of biophilia, which can be especially affective in reception areas and meeting rooms (see my blog ‘How to have a greener workspace – Biophilic Design’)

By using artwork you are also adding to your company culture. You may have read my blog ‘Your Business Needs a Company Culture. Start building it today” which looks at how important it is to have a company culture. With so many staff now working from home part-time, it is important that when they do come to the office they feel like part of a community and artwork is a very good way of bringing people together and making them feel like they are part of a team. Look at using local artists, which will add to the sense of community.
When considering the artwork for your workplace, why not open it out to your employees, put it to a vote, get them involved in making the decision on what art to purchase. By involving your staff you will also be increasing staff satisfaction. Don’t be put off by thinking you have to have a huge budget for artwork. You can purchase some very nice prints for not a lot of money at all.
So why not put some money aside for artwork when you next plan your annual budget.
Here is some artwork by my favourite artist Michael Claxton www.michaelclaxtonartist.co.uk
Debbie Wilson